Something is Happening


Please take time to breathe.

Listen to your breath from the very start; from inside your own cosmic hovercraft.

Yeah...things changed for the better! I don’t remember the name of my Argentinian Robot brother in the photo above, but I remember his personality well. He was a hardworking man who suited up daily to entertain kids and adults alike. He strove to live his life in a way that allowed him to both play and survive; using his creativity as a means to live and thrive in the structure and grind of the modern world.

I think we are all familiar with how working hard at a job can damage our ability to live balanced lives. Personally, I am grateful to have found ease for my body through yoga and massage therapy; Surrounded by nature, showered by sunshine and salt water. My dreadlocks are loosing their black matte color, getting lighter each day, and I want for you all to be as happy as I am. In the salt and sun your hair will lighten with your body and spirit, and you will feel as amazing as I do: happy and in the best shape of my life.

Blessings from above,
